Ecclesia Reformata

ecclesia reformata, semper reformanda secundum verbum Dei ("the church reformed, always being reformed according to the Word of God"); the Word of God alone brings life.

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Location: Georgia, United States

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

"Fire: the Want of the Times"

Brethren, there is nothing in the gospel, apart from the Spirit of God, which can save a man, for man hates the gospel with all his heart!

Though the reasonableness of the gospel of Jesus ought to make the belief of it universal, yet its plain dealing with human sin excites deadly antagonism. Therefore, the gospel itself would make no progress were it not for the divine power.

There is an invisible arm which pushes forward the conquests of the truth. There is a fire unfed with human fuel, which burns a way for the truth of Jesus Christ into the hearts of men.

- Charles Spurgeon, "Fire: the Want of the Times"

Tom Carter, author of Spurgeon at His Best (Baker, 1988), wrote the following:

"Each time I read one of Spurgeon's sermons, I fall in love with preaching all over again. My faith is rescued from the temptation to consider the proclamation of God's truth irrelevant. . . . I'm also challenged to preach biblically. As I read between the lines of these sermons, I hear Spurgeon saying to me, 'As a preacher, your job is not to create your own material. Just discover what God has already said in his Word, and then relay that to your people.'"


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