Easy Believism
The Remonstrance was a reaction to Calvinism. Just as Calvinists articulated five points, so did the Arminians. Although it is possible that 5 point Arminians exist today, this blogger has never encountered one. With that thought in mind, it is perhaps safe to say that 5 point Arminianism is a minority view among those who would claim to be Arminian. Arminianism today preaches a Gospel that states one can choose or reject Christ, and reject the Holy Spirit. The belief also contributes to pragmatic altar calls and easy believism. One of the most influential Arminians today encourages readers to simply "receive and believe" and "quietly whisper the prayer that will change your eternity." No mention is made of obedience, and this is very typical of Arminian teaching. It may be that the Remonstrants believed in the necessity of obedience, but Arminianism today is a gospel of choice that has caused tremendous confusion and has created havoc in the churches. Perhaps this is one reason so many entertain doubt and have been baptized multiple times.