Ecclesia Reformata

ecclesia reformata, semper reformanda secundum verbum Dei ("the church reformed, always being reformed according to the Word of God"); the Word of God alone brings life.

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Wednesday, March 01, 2006

A Giant of the Faith Has Gone Home!

With great sadness and loss, and with a sense of a void, that will be felt for years to come, it is announce the homegoing of Dr. Henry M. Morris last night. He had in recent days suffered a series of debilitating small strokes, and passed into the presence of his Creator and Savior, Jesus Christ, on Saturday evening (25 February). He was alert to the end, and more details may be found at As many Christians already know, he was the founder of the Institute for Creation Research and many other organizations that have been left with his magnificent imprint for the truth of God's Word. He also was the co-author with Dr. John Whitcomb of The Genesis Flood (1961) which truly introduced creationism on a worldwide scale. Dr. Morris recently contributed the introduction and a chapter to Dr. Bigalke's new book, The Genesis Factor, which is to be released by Master Books in Winter 2008. Many will remember him for his commentaries on Genesis, Revelation, Job, and many other sections of Scripture. His daily devotional called "Days of Praise" is still used by thousands. Probably no author has written so succinctly in single-page challenges from God's Word, yet has contributed dozens of articles, books, and comments on TV and radio over the last 40+ years. This man, as no other, has left a legacy that will LONG be remembered among those who have found their refuge in Jesus Christ, and who find the only book God ever wrote as the one source of all truth forever.

We will all miss this 87 year young expositor, scientist, theologian, husband, father, and leader of men. From his textbook classic on Hydrology while at Virginian Poly to his pioneer efforts to form a graduate level Institute for Creation Research, perhaps no other saint of God has contributed more, but exhibited no greater example of a Christian in humility, meekness, sound and well-reasoned thinking, as well as a heart to see others come to know the truth he found in the Bible as a unique book composed over a 2,000 year period accurate in every respect in all areas upon which it speaks: history, science, anthropology, theology, geography, and the many corollary disciplines. We will miss him. Good bye, Dr. Morris. We will reunite with you soon, and talk of the many things for which you fought and won, if not immediately, ultimately in the presence of God Himself.

Why not visit the website of Institute for Creation Research (, and learn more about the tremendous legacy of Dr. Morris, and the work that continues because of his commitment to the inerrancy and inspiration of Scripture? Truly, Dr. Morris started the race well and he finished well (cf. 1 Cor. 9:24-27; Phil. 3:12-21). Not all Christians will have such a remarkable legacy as Dr. Morris, but every Christian has been gifted by the Holy Spirit for service. How would God use you to impact your community for His glory?